Thought for the day…Men are stupid…that’s it….Tune in tomorrow for more words of wisdom from me, The bitter old cat lady
Cats, kids, divorce, dating, friends, wine, whining, bitching, moaning, cursing and finding Mr. Wonderful. Love life, love to laugh and sarcasm is a bigass part of who I am. You can suck it and go away if ya don't like it!
More posts by Bitter Old Cat LadyThought for the day…Men can be insensitive, clueless and incredibly schtooopid. Nod and smile pretty when they are talking, but know that they are usually full of crap…Listen to me so you will not endRead more
Thought for the day…We all have bad crap that happened to us in the past…stayin stuck in it in the present aint good…Close the door on it and move forward…. Listen to me so youRead more
Thought for the day…being in love is the most exciting, funny, delicious, interesting experience….it is also frustrating, irritating and sometimes very confusing! Go out and get some! Listen to me so you will not endRead more
Thought for the day…You will fall on your face many times in life. Get up, brush yourself off and move forward, don’t look back, you will be stronger and smarter next time. That’s it…Tune inRead more
Thought for the day…Know your worth…Don’t be taken advantage of by him/her or treated without respect…You’re not past your prime and you are beautiful at any age or weight…That’s it…Tune in again next time forRead more
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