Rant of the day…
Before I begin, I don’t wanna hear any shit from anyone telling me I’m a big ol meanie either.
I know, this is early in the day for it, but it has been on my mind for several weeks and this morning when I took girl spawn to school, I was reminded of it again.
Women in pajamas in public.
What the hell? When did it become appropriate for this to occur?
I’m all for being comfortable at home, but YOU ARE IN PUBLIC ya dumbass, and you not only look absolutely lazy, but I’m sure your kid is mortified as hell.
All ya need to complete this winning look is some pink curlers in your hair and a damned EBT card in your hand.
(For those of you in the UK, EBT is the acronym for “Electronic benefit transfer”, which is a fancy way of sayin you’re on the dole)
The lady I saw this morning had on purple plaid pajama pants, a red hoodie, flip flops, no make-up and hair stickin up all over the place. Pushin a baby stroller with a kid in it while walking her other kid (an embarrassed 7th grader) to school.
Now ok, fine, ya get some props for walkin the kid to school, but hello, you could have just as easily put some damn pants on first. Fuck, comb your hair for cryin out loud. Have some damn pride in your appearance.
Really irritates the shit outta me.
Buuuttt…then again, I also appreciate it, because it means Mr. Wonderful thinks I am even more fabulous because I try to look nice all the time…
That bein said, let me describe my lovely attire this morning as he left for work.
Pink short T-back Victoria Secret nightgown; cute on its own, but, ummm…
Ok…I was also wearing pink fuzzy slippers, a ginormous pair of fuzzy hello kitty pajama pants, a turquoise bathrobe, glasses on my head and the finishing touch?
A big ass dollop of white pimple cream on my nose.
It’s a wonder he even kissed me goodbye.
Hmmm…he did drive away pretty quickly….I wonder if he was checkin out the lady pushin the stroller?
Oh how the mighty have fallen…
This shit is corny.
Awwwww, thanks “Buck Gland”…corny name…