This…Lookit the cute changes to the website!
I’m not real savvy with any computer shit so when I first decided I would do a website to add all the stuff I wanna add and say all the stuff I wanna say without bein censored by good ol Facebook (they don’t enjoy me usin “language” and I also don’t like the idea of some asshole complainin about me and possibly shuttin me down) I also wanted a store for fun shit, it seemed like such a good idea…
Yeah, well…I didn’t take into account that mailin goodies to people who buy sumthin would be a big fat mess…what a dumbass BOCL! Postage to the UK or any other country (includin the good ol USA) aint cheap. I knew I was not gonna get rich on shirts and stuff, but I wanted to “grow my brand”…Gawd I hate sayin that, it sounds so boring and foo foo, but I kept thinkin to myself, “Self, how cool would it be to know that my name, “Bitter old cat lady” is gonna be spread across someones chest in Kalamazoo Michigan or Paris France?” Soooo…I knew I had to find a way to do all of this without spendin a gazillion bucks on shippin costs…enter a print on demand company. You pick what you want, order it and they print it, package it and ship it to you. I only make about 5-10 bucks on a shirt but that’s ok, cuz Kalamazoo and Paris are callin, knowwhatImean?
It also seriously pisses me off that I might write a blog or post a picture and Facebook controls who should get it on their timeline. Over 18, 000 followers on Facebook and I have this picture in my head of some sloppy man in boxer shorts sittin at a desk surrounded by takeout containers lookin at my blog or the picture I post and sayin “Nope I don’t like it so I’m only gonna send it to 200 people”. It sucks. If I try to advertise the podcast to try to increase listeners they only send it to a coupla hundred people. How the hell can I grow if Facebook is censoring me?
So…Website updated and purdy? Check.
Online store here and on Facebook ready to rock & roll? Check.
Podcast ready to be listened to on Spotify, Amazon music and Google podcasts? Check.
Float in the Long Beach Pride parade? Check.
Podcast producer approachin Cat Con about makin an appearance and possibly recordin a live podcast while there? Check.
Preparin to rob a bank to pay for all this shit? Check.
Been Bitter old cat lady-in for weeks gettin everything ready for the parade and now that it’s over I’m feelin kinda sad…
You know how you have somethin goin on, some event approachin and all you can think about is IT and then it happens and it’s kinda anti-climactic? Now I’m like “Ok, what the fuck do I do now?”
Time to find a job…
After leavin my job the last week of last September, I started cleanin up Nana’s apartment and then takin care of Nana. I love her but other than the warm fuzzies I feel for her, the only payment I received is 2 bulgin discs, 1 herniated disk pressin on a nerve, a torn rotator cuff and a partridge in a pear tree…ok…no partridge but I was on a roll! No, I’m not sayin I expected any cashola, I’m just sayin that I’ve been without a “real” paycheck for almost a year.
I need to make some moolah.
Girl spawn is gonna be transferred by the Navy and movin to San Diego in about 5-6 weeks so I’m givin up Roscoe…that’s what I named my Jeep years ago. I promised her she could have the Jeep when she turned 16, then Covid hit and it’s not like she could go anywhere so she didn’t even get her drivers license. A few months before she joined the Navy she became a legal driver. I worry about her-she drives like me, lead foot and all!
Anyway…she’s gonna need a car when she gets to San Diego…which means…
I know it sounds snooty to holler “NEW”, but I don’t do used cars cuz here’s the thing-why would I wanna buy somthin that has someone else’s problems, not to mention all the freebies to be finagled with a car dealership-oil changes, etc come with it and if you’re a picky pushy ass like I was when I bought Roscoe, you ask for 2 extra years of oil changes, a new bluetooth thangy and…a hat…I wanted that damned hat so after I asked for the extra goodies I threw in a hat to see what the guy would say. He looked irritated but I got it…and a keychain for good measure.
So I need the dough cuz you just know this shit is gonna be pricey. Eeeesh, when I started lookin at Jeeps I about fell over. Shit is pricey and bein the cheap ass I am I picked the one that costs the least and I still think it might be better to just take the pile of money it’s gonna cost, buy another house and just hitch rides from friends or take the bus!
Job huntin again tomorrow-had an interview yesterday-when I heard how much travelin I’d need to do between California and Indiana I said “thanks but no thanks!” I’m too old, too fat-ish and too tired to be traipsin around the country for my job. I like gettin up in the mornin, shufflin down the stairs in my jammies, turnin on the computer, waddlin down the stairs for kawfee and then back up to go to work. At break or lunch I can take my shower, put on my face and get back to work in my own office. I will never again work in an actual office environment again. Bitchy women, cliques, men wantin to hump after work and office politics? Nope, it aint happenin.
…sigh…I HATE lookin for a new job! All the resume’s sent and the “pick me!, pick me! and then hopin it’s the right one crap…yuck! If only I could win the lotto…yeah, not gonna pin my hopes on that one!
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