…um..no..I have my own kids’ damn fundraisers and that is more than enough for me. Please don’t ask me and make us both uncomfortable.
Yes…maybe…I dunno…email me and I will letcha know. But beware. I’m an honest injun kinda chick, so if I decide to do it and I think your product is a piece of crap, I’m gonna tell it like I see it cuz it’s my opinion…but if I think it’s a piece of crap, I’ll tell ya first, privately so I don’t embarrass you or piss you off.
..um…no…sorry, but you need to get your own blog.
Probably not..I hate that shit and I’m sure you would too.
When I first started writin as Bitter old cat lady I was workin for a large and conservative healthcare company…one of my coworkers I shared my blog with told another co-worker who she thought she could trust who then told other people. The jig was up…I was pissed. I could’ve lost my job and I was a single mom. When I was called into the Human Resources office I was sure I’d be fired. They were kinda cool about it but reminded me to never ever ever mention the name of the company. Thank God since unemployment would not look good on my big ass!
I started workin remotely after I left that company and while I will sometimes bitch and moan about whatever job I’m in and the people I work with, I’m always gonna give everyone a pseudonym (that’s a fake name for those of you who don’t know what the hell that fancy word means) At some point if any co-workers or management recognize themselves here and are pissed about it, well…too damn bad. Don’t be an asshole and I won’t write anything shitty about you, K?
I’ll never name where I work, and if anyone ever comments on a blog and either names or alludes to where I work I’ll delete the comment as soon as I become aware of it. Again, don’t be an asshole and respect that I wanna stay anonymous please.
Bottom line is this: I may not agree with a lotta things companies I work for do or how they do em, but I’m given a job to do and I’m then able to to feed my cats, pay my bills and as a bonus, sometimes work with nice people…some assholes too, but ya find that everywhere.
I will try, but I can’t guarantee it….don’t be pissed and leave if I don’t, I would miss you.